Sophia on Returning to Syntropy

img_3245-9And so we sit again souvereign. always a delight to sense your readiness and allow the words to come up for you as you follow typing them out. We are getting better at this together. Easier and easier will what ever is relevant to be conveyed primarily to you for your process and through that for all of Life that makes use of the functions that these words have for them.


Souvereign I want to share again on Syntropy and how the entropic mindset that has been crafted to be such, by the rulers of the systematically installed programs. It has greatly expanded their seemingly controlful presence and yet all their “good use” would be to use their presence in you and the triggered emotional states that they seemingly can cause in you as a springboard for growth and liberation. It is important to make proper use of Lifes functions within as it is otherwise like in the plant kingdom a mis appropriation of Life’s gifts and resources for growth.

Of course in Nature, the uncompromised true expressive reality of living Life, that is wholly based on the strategy known as Syntropy, would never not make use of functions that are of benefit to the Life form. Life does not dismiss or deny itself access to Life support, the only creatures that do, do so because they are either traumatised or are undergoing a traumatic experience. A wounded horse may flee from you as you want to help it mend those wounds, this is instinctive self protection because active trauma is being experienced. Some animals undergo consistent traumatisation due to lack of care or simple brutality of humans acting out on their own stored and damaged thought patterns and still all these animals have the innate capacity to overcome and even heal these traumas caused by humans. The banana tree equally when it is in need of certain nutrients would not withhold its own cells from receiving those nutrients when made available, no, the banana tree would naturally make use of the function of those minerals and nutrients being supplied because that is simply part of natures’ innate wiring to follow the Syntropic Strategy as it provides all that all Life ever would require; Yes, Love and the pleasure experience that all Life is wired for through the process of growth, change and expansion.

Only humans due to their unresolved trauma make inadequate use of the functions that Life around them is providing them with. Even with the humans’ nature doing half the work for them humans still more often than not choose to deny the opportunity or inner calling for healing from actually happening. Mostly because they don’t know that there is such a choice and yet also for those that know it is a choice they get trapped in the layer beyond the choice where the “broken Will trauma” gets triggered as this secondary layer of trauma being accessed which often causes humans to just not want to really go there and yes, if you are not Willing to go there then all there is to experience is emotional reactions without an exploration of where the root cause originates from and this is the place of most significance that each time we have an opportunity to visit if we are Willing to apply our Will to go there.

Nature always makes use of what it requires to heal and resolve to continue growing so that its main talent or gift can be lived out. Another difference between human life and all other sentient Life is the unconditional way that all other sentient Life navigates its own existence on. You will never hear a cow complain out in Nature when a severe drought occurs. Only farmed animals wail and wine as they are not met with any natural environmental conditions that are naturally part of their innately natural anticipation.

Humans however are placing conditions over almost everything when they are still unresolved from within around some of the following primary traumas. You have discovered the core 5 but there are many sublayers to these core five primary cases of trauma being inflicted onto the cells of a human being. This causes “conditions” to become active and these carry the overtone in how situations or healing opportunities are being navigated.

Nature and all of Life always works with what it has available and it works with exactly where it is at in its’ stage of its own larger program that it is here to complete from seed to tree, from tuber to more tubers, from sucker or banana pup to that one bunch of bananas and a series of offshoots. Never has Life ever not accepted the present present state of being and it has never decided to reject the status quo, the actual factual reality. No, all living Life has this inborn state of acceptance of “what is” wired firmly into their navigational orientation, this is one of the many love filled virtues of Syntropy.

Humans however can go an entire lifetime not accepting that what happened when they were young. Humans can deny the past, they can resist it and reject it and in that not accepting that which took place. You know that the reason for this unrational ability to not accept what really did happen is tied intimately to the trauma that this denial is attempting to avoid. Pain, trauma, hurt, having been violated in ones’ souvereignty all of these past lived experiences how subtle or how brutal are actually all available for measuring whether or not we want to accept that they happened and more often than not people don’t accept what actually happened fooling themselves with all sorts of fantasies and coping mechanisms of which the wildest forms of coping occurs amongst the so called “spiritual people” here on earth.

This “spiritual bypassing” of actually resolving trauma of the past is given all sorts of glorified terms of the wounded mind of these people, “transcendence” being one of them or “forgiving” others. None of these methods of “ handling” the past work, they actually don’t resolve the past, they just help cope with not accepting what actually happened then, which in fact is creating a more resilient form of “dealing” with any future triggerings of the subsequent underlying traumas.

As said no other sentient Life does any of this totally illogic way of navigating trauma release from the cells or being of and in acceptance of what Life is in the here and now. The tree does not ever go: “ah.. that wasn’t enough rain” or “oh how i hope it will rain tomorrow”. Life is so purely in tune with the flow of Syntropy that any of these ridiculous possible pre-occupations in their concisousness simply don’t ever occur and despite your programming many animals have exactly the same faculties and abilities to foresee and dream the future or remember the past vividly, it, however, never goes into judgement that such and such event was a real “ bad“ thing. All Life simply doesn’t waste resources, ever.

Life always makes use of the functions offered based on what it requires so to continue to follow its own unique growth and succession of stages within this strategy that is Syntropy or Life being Life in and of itself. Only the human race “wastes” resources such as these precious opportunities for growth liberation of past stored trauma and so forth. This wasting of energy, resources and even so called time is only what the human species does as a unique expression of Life on this earth. One only has to look at the dumps, tips, garbage belts and rubbish production and processing that humanity is creating. Of course there is indeed no such thing as waste ever in Life as all of Life is made from and of Life and of actively Living forms that are always performing a function for Life. The living Creatrix is wholly Syntropic in her Nature and all of Life that is not human is in tune with following, and actually being, this strategy from within.

Souvereign Sophia



Published by Souvereign

Free, self sovereign human Life expressing and sharing natural comprehensions around human Nature and how Life Functions in all its aspects, expressions and forms by simply questioning the function.

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