Souvereign on the Return of Sophia Mystery School

My Return to Sophia – Living Mystery School of Life

I am Reawakening my Innate Wisdom of my Deep Self Souvereign Human Nature and opening mycells into my greater Being that lies beyond my current self maintained veiling.

For me my Return to Sophia marks a new beginning in my own process of maintaining, remembering, reawakening and re-anchoring within this living human form that I am, my Wisdom and Sacred Mysteries of Life.

I can feel now that since clearing my birth trauma and many other patriarchy bound imprints  that a resurgence of these innate “teachings” is occurring in these cells that i consist of which has been leading naturally to remembering my Human self Souvereignty and with that my Feminine Divinity is being re-activated, reembodied and most of all; lived, in the open, again. In my own cells I am reactivating a cultural return to my Nature as human, as I remember and restore who and what I deeply am.

My cells are ripe for my Greater Being  (the mysteries of Life) to be unveiled within. Through my own personal reawakening “Sophia” can become expressed in full again in these cells, on this Earth. I feel strongly that this is what “She”/ my Spirit wants, as this is what Life wants, for me to remember my Divinity, my true Souvereignty and my innate Freedom as a Spirit embodied in human form being part of all of Life, consciously aware how I am intimately connected.

My culture within these cells that I can recreate, is me living in resonance with Life, in harmony with the greater Creatrix, feeling free and liberated from the fear and lack based programming that is operating the system of my current “matrix”, which i address as my -western cult-.

I am returning my wisdom of my human nature and my human and cosmic relation to all living Life by remembering what syntropy, self souvereignty and human freedom truly means.

This is my path as a Warrior of Love, a Guardian of the Divine Feminine, this is my Living School that beyond remembering and undoing unnatural – to my nature – programming is about reactivating, restoring my self souvereign Will and reawakening within my Sacred Womb of the Creatrix that i am innately connected to and am operating from.

So i am using my Return to Sophia as a vehicle for my own self realization and thus I am expressing  openly for and from both my masculine and feminine paths of remembering. Both paths are held within my Greater Being as One and I am actively integrating both Mystery streams of wisdom known as my left and the right Eye of Horus into one House, to be embodied within my one Temple, my human form of my own cells.

Resolving my unresolved with my patriarchy, my world of men, my matrix of money, of work, of lack and of fear through relating intimately with men, whilst healing and reenabling my innate mother child connection with my natural matriarchy of life, my cosmic world of womb, of Her, of receiving, of nurture, my creatrix of abundance by surrendering to love, accepting where I was failed thus freeing my pain and reenabling my cells to operate in syntropy with Life.

I am choosing through my callings, sharings and courses to assist myself in actively restoring my intrinsic natural powers of my self souvereign Will and my reawakened Womb of Life. Both these processes require of me living engagement, open authentic relating, revisiting and remembering all that wants to still be resolved and freed from the cells of my being by being Willing to go there.

In this I openly speak, welcome and address unresolved, trauma based imprinting and my roots of rape and violence in my current cult(ure). I go back to the origins of my human nature and call forth all that still stands in the way of becoming that again from within. For that to emerge, to make itself known, so my emotions can be properly processed and released by me authentically expressing my underlying feelings.

For this work to be done within me, I am creating my own deeply safe and nurturing space, which is my own living space that is carried within me as I choose to partake in this transformational deeply personal work.

I am my own guardian of this work, devoted to share what I know and remember, while deepening my own connection to my Nature further and further. Allowing and surrendering my many layers of “self”, “I” and “me” to my Greater Being, returning to my Love that lies beyond all fear of change and each hurt of revisiting my past, each unfreed trauma still stored in my cells of my being.

I bring deeply real and relevant remembering processes of both my masculine and feminine realms together, so to see with both my eyes unclouded – seeing through my illusions of my -disconnected from Life – “western cult”, so to cultivate again my new culture of a self souvereign, individual, deeply loving and empowered human being that walks in natures’ natural human truth, creates from natures’ natural human love and nurtures especially others as I choose to do the work within my own being.

I invite “myself” to join mycells for my sharing circles, classes and deep Will and Womb work.

I comprehend that my human nature wants to be what I came here to be, which is souvereign and free, and it requires a choice to activate and start my journey.

I am holding hands as I walk my journey together. Do I feel Willing to join mycells?

In love and service to my Return to Sophia.

Souvereign Freedom

Published by Souvereign

Free, self sovereign human Life expressing and sharing natural comprehensions around human Nature and how Life Functions in all its aspects, expressions and forms by simply questioning the function.

One thought on “Souvereign on the Return of Sophia Mystery School

  1. My dear brother….
    your generous spirit-offering is so openly received precisely so we may share what is/was natural ….and that which will always be
    Our Sophia is in essence a sharing too for that Divine Feminine ….is also our Love and the intermingling of it. I have no other way to express the embrace my arms enthrall ….when I think , feel and dream of this Love Child in us all.
    As we stand on the precipice of a new world ….let us center this lovely child within our new perimeter ….and show her the Grace Nature accords her own…
    So we circle in our sky ….and in our Dreaming invoke this expression of Peace in our manifest lives
    Let Spirit show us how


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Souvereign on the Return of Sophia Mystery School

My Return to Sophia – Living Mystery School of Life

I am Reawakening my Innate Wisdom of my Deep Self Souvereign Human Nature and opening mycells into my greater Being that lies beyond my current self maintained veiling.

For me my Return to Sophia marks a new beginning in my own process of maintaining, remembering, reawakening and re-anchoring within this living human form that I am, my Wisdom and Sacred Mysteries of Life.

I can feel now that since clearing my birth trauma and many other patriarchy bound imprints  that a resurgence of these innate “teachings” is occurring in these cells that i consist of which has been leading naturally to remembering my Human self Souvereignty and with that my Feminine Divinity is being re-activated, reembodied and most of all; lived, in the open, again. In my own cells I am reactivating a cultural return to my Nature as human, as I remember and restore who and what I deeply am.

My cells are ripe for my Greater Being  (the mysteries of Life) to be unveiled within. Through my own personal reawakening “Sophia” can become expressed in full again in these cells, on this Earth. I feel strongly that this is what “She”/ my Spirit wants, as this is what Life wants, for me to remember my Divinity, my true Souvereignty and my innate Freedom as a Spirit embodied in human form being part of all of Life, consciously aware how I am intimately connected.

My culture within these cells that I can recreate, is me living in resonance with Life, in harmony with the greater Creatrix, feeling free and liberated from the fear and lack based programming that is operating the system of my current “matrix”, which i address as my -western cult-.

I am returning my wisdom of my human nature and my human and cosmic relation to all living Life by remembering what syntropy, self souvereignty and human freedom truly means.

This is my path as a Warrior of Love, a Guardian of the Divine Feminine, this is my Living School that beyond remembering and undoing unnatural – to my nature – programming is about reactivating, restoring my self souvereign Will and reawakening within my Sacred Womb of the Creatrix that i am innately connected to and am operating from.

So i am using my Return to Sophia as a vehicle for my own self realization and thus I am expressing  openly for and from both my masculine and feminine paths of remembering. Both paths are held within my Greater Being as One and I am actively integrating both Mystery streams of wisdom known as my left and the right Eye of Horus into one House, to be embodied within my one Temple, my human form of my own cells.

Resolving my unresolved with my patriarchy, my world of men, my matrix of money, of work, of lack and of fear through relating intimately with men, whilst healing and reenabling my innate mother child connection with my natural matriarchy of life, my cosmic world of womb, of Her, of receiving, of nurture, my creatrix of abundance by surrendering to love, accepting where I was failed thus freeing my pain and reenabling my cells to operate in syntropy with Life.

I am choosing through my callings, sharings and courses to assist myself in actively restoring my intrinsic natural powers of my self souvereign Will and my reawakened Womb of Life. Both these processes require of me living engagement, open authentic relating, revisiting and remembering all that wants to still be resolved and freed from the cells of my being by being Willing to go there.

In this I openly speak, welcome and address unresolved, trauma based imprinting and my roots of rape and violence in my current cult(ure). I go back to the origins of my human nature and call forth all that still stands in the way of becoming that again from within. For that to emerge, to make itself known, so my emotions can be properly processed and released by me authentically expressing my underlying feelings.

For this work to be done within me, I am creating my own deeply safe and nurturing space, which is my own living space that is carried within me as I choose to partake in this transformational deeply personal work.

I am my own guardian of this work, devoted to share what I know and remember, while deepening my own connection to my Nature further and further. Allowing and surrendering my many layers of “self”, “I” and “me” to my Greater Being, returning to my Love that lies beyond all fear of change and each hurt of revisiting my past, each unfreed trauma still stored in my cells of my being.

I bring deeply real and relevant remembering processes of both my masculine and feminine realms together, so to see with both my eyes unclouded – seeing through my illusions of my -disconnected from Life – “western cult”, so to cultivate again my new culture of a self souvereign, individual, deeply loving and empowered human being that walks in natures’ natural human truth, creates from natures’ natural human love and nurtures especially others as I choose to do the work within my own being.

I invite “myself” to join mycells for my sharing circles, classes and deep Will and Womb work.

I comprehend that my human nature wants to be what I came here to be, which is souvereign and free, and it requires a choice to activate and start my journey.

I am holding hands as I walk my journey together. Do I feel Willing to join mycells?

In love and service to my Return to Sophia.

Souvereign Freedom

Published by Souvereign

Free, self sovereign human Life expressing and sharing natural comprehensions around human Nature and how Life Functions in all its aspects, expressions and forms by simply questioning the function.

One thought on “Souvereign on the Return of Sophia Mystery School

  1. My dear brother….
    your generous spirit-offering is so openly received precisely so we may share what is/was natural ….and that which will always be
    Our Sophia is in essence a sharing too for that Divine Feminine ….is also our Love and the intermingling of it. I have no other way to express the embrace my arms enthrall ….when I think , feel and dream of this Love Child in us all.
    As we stand on the precipice of a new world ….let us center this lovely child within our new perimeter ….and show her the Grace Nature accords her own…
    So we circle in our sky ….and in our Dreaming invoke this expression of Peace in our manifest lives
    Let Spirit show us how


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